St. Peter And Paul Catholic Church

Situated in the heart of Tbilisi, near Marjanishvili Metro station at 55 Javakhishvili Street, the St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church stands as a vibrant testament to Georgia's religious diversity. The church has served as a religious sanctuary and a social hub for Tbilisi's Catholic community for over a century, reflecting the city's diverse cultural milieu.

In 1866, amidst Tbilisi's thriving Catholic population of around 4,000, a growing demand for a larger worship space led to the inception of the St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church. The church was constructed upon the order of Konstantine Zubalashvili, a prominent philanthropist and the leader of the Roman Catholic congregation. Albert Salzmann, a German architect residing in Tbilisi, was entrusted with the project. Salzmann employed an early Baroque style for the church, ensuring it remained a striking architectural spectacle for its time.

The construction of the church was completed in 1877, largely funded by Polish and Georgian Catholics. The resulting edifice, boasting enough room for 600 people, was greeted with admiration by contemporaries and its consecration was celebrated grandly. Further enriching the community, a parish school and library were established in the church's vicinity.

Despite the pressures of Sovietization, the St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church managed to retain its doors open for the faithful, albeit for a fee. Over the years, the church encountered its share of challenges, the most significant of which was a fire in 1993. The subsequent water damage necessitated major restoration work, which was completed in 2009 with the assistance of Polish specialists.

Today, the St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, painted a vibrant yellow, presents a captivating sight with its ornate rose window and dove decoration, recent additions after 2000. The church's façade, adorned with intense yellow Corinthian pilasters and arches, contrasts beautifully against its original white and silver-grey hues, creating a striking visual appeal.

As one of Tbilisi's two active Catholic churches, St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church holds weekly services, continuing its long-standing tradition of serving the city's Catholic population. Notably, Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass there during his visit to Georgia in October 1999, further cementing the church's stature in Georgia's religious landscape.

The St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, through its rich history and architectural grandeur, serves as a vibrant emblem of Tbilisi's multicultural fabric, bridging the city's past and present, and contributing to its unique religious and cultural identity.

Nearest to St. Peter And Paul Catholic Church

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